Monday, 12 August 2024


Have you ever wondered why the Lord God chose to accommodate the first man and later the first woman He created in a garden? 

 Why didn't He just build a house  to accommodate them? Why was the first habitation of  humans a place with all kinds of plants and animals?

Going through the bible on the early life of humans on earth, I discovered that the garden was not only to meet the food needs of humans but  also to maintain good health.

AEven in my little mini-garden, almost every plant has some spectacular health benefits. 

I have been observing the effects of the Indian almond. Though quite different from other almonds  that are sweet to the taste, this almond I noticed is good for hormonal balance. It steps down inflammatory effects the body sometimes experience after taking certain foods or drinks. 

I have also noticed that it seems to stimulate fertility in chicken- because it is after I started feeding it to the first two chickens in my mini-garden that the hen started laying eggs. 

So I would be testing this on the two new hens I just bought to increase the flock.  If a fruit or any part of a plant part is good for livestock health, it would likely  have similar effects on humans.

I also  noticed that by feeding pawpaw leaves  and some other leaves to  the chickens, there has been no need to use drugs to keep them healthy. 

Do you know the reason local chickens are stronger than the chickens we call 'Agric' is mostly because of feeding on plants an other natural stuffs? But they dont gain as much weight as the 'Agric' - commercialised chickens.

Hence the reason commercial   livestock producers do not massively feed leaves to their chickens. But if you are doing home farming or subsistence agriculture, your goal should be the health of the human consumers rather than fattening the livestock. Fedfing leaves to hour chibkens is good fof the health of human consumers of chicken products as well. 

The human body was created from the dust (soil) so what we feed on and use on the body should be as closest to the soil as possible- the more processed, the more it loses some health benefits. 

Sometimes health hazards are even introduced during the processes especially for highly over-processed food and other agricultural products.  

I do believe that if at least one-third of the world population is engaged in some form of growing healthy food in sustainable ways, many of the current crises in the globe would  be averted


In hope of making profit, I have introduced polygamy into Farm Cafe Animal Kingdom🤣 by purchasing two  more hens.

 This is so the there can  be more eggs and hopefully more  chicks and also carry out experiments. 
Things on earth - plants and animals have been given to humans to take  advantage of but humans are not expected to take advantage of each other.


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