Monday, 19 August 2024


Do you know that livestock raised without drugs or any inorganic growth boosters are healthier for the human consumers?

Yes, it's safer for your health to eat locally-raised chickens and eggs. Also if you raise livestock such as poultry domestically along with your plant gardening, you can achieve better results.

Apart from the fact that the poop of poultry fed only organic materials are rich and safe  manure for your plants especially vegetables, lots of plants considered weeds are healthy for the poultry birds to eat.

Some of those weeds you would have had to cut off and dispose. Just note that the chickens also eat the leaves of many other plants valued by humans, so if raising chickens in an urban garden, better to keep the chickens caged-  ensure they can still take some steps in the coops. If you have the space, rather than keep the chickens caged, you may just allow them free-range in a secluded section of  the garden where there are plants you don't need.

The eggs of local chickens especially fertilised ones are nutrient-packed. Though smaller in size, they are more expensive than the regular commercial chicken eggs -almost twice the amount - currently between N300 to N400 for each.

Some people with health challenges are advised to eat the fertilised local chicken eggs if they  like eating eggs. Why?They are safer for human health.

So if you intend to go into local chicken commercial egg production, target marketing to health practitioners for their patients or to health-conscious persons.

Apart from leaves especially leafy greens that are delight to these local chickens you can also feed them the intestines of fish as protein source- just boil a little, add salt and pepper.

If there are snails that invade your garden and eat your plants, get them picked, remove their shells, add some salt, boil or or roast and give your chickens to eat. You thereby save your plants and feed protein to the chickens to gain weight.​

Unlike snails local chickens can eat even leftovers that have salt so rather than wash off the last helpings of stew or soup from the soup pots, you may mix with leftover fufu, amala or eba and feed them - such food will help them gain weight.

Give them the chaff from soya bean and the chaff of coconuts for fat or healthy oil as well as protein.

So you can cut costs just ensure what you feed them is healthy.

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#minigardening  #integratedgardening #gardening #gardeninginsmallspaces #integratedgardeninginsmallspaces  #spaceconstrainedurbangardening

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