Monday, 26 August 2024


...some are fighting, some are farming 

Lots of city or urban dwellers claim they do not have the strength to do very hard work like farming. But have you noticed that more urban dwellers engage in physical fights  than  rural dwellers? 

Apart from fighting, many urban dwellers use their energies for lots of pleasurable activities but shy away from activities that are seen as hard work.

Understandably, some people really don't have the time for physically-engaging work. But the work they do  or investments they have deliver to them so  very much financial and material returns. If they engage in activities like gardening, it would just be as hobby and perhaps for therapeutic health-boosting to revitalise their physical energy. 

The question then is to those who claim they are hungry and even go about begging for food, if they have the opportunity to farm, would they? If they claim not to have the energy for farming, please ask how they get the energy for fighting or some of the pleasurable things they do that are also energy'demanding. 

It would also be interesting to find out why some people make decisions or do things in ways that make them vulnerable, so they can be pitied. They would then expect  to be excused from the tough processes of life so they can make demands like they are entitled to the results of other people's hard work or resources.

Why do some people think it's okay for others to work hard and serve them even when they don't want to consistently  make sacrifices of real hard work to make better their lot in life?

There are lots of people who are professionals today or very successful in some legit endeahours who have gone through processes of very hard work such as farming in their past. They are now really very  sophisticated or touche that just by looking at them you wouldn't know  they have engaged in such hard work in their lifetime . 

Such hard work in their past has been the foundation of  their  present or future success. 

While growing up, many of us were taught that hard work does not kill, it is laziness that kills. 

So as adults even when we have the opportunity to be lazy and cut corners in iife, we continue to be hardworking.

But some people have the strength to work hard but despise  hard work because they believe  that they need to prove how big they are by shunning certain hard work. 

For truly hardworking persons, there is of course the need to schedule  rest  as it is necessary to rejuvenate the body.

Another question that bugs my mind is why young people who barely earn enough for their upkeep and depend on resources provided by someone else  expect other person(s) to serve them personally .


Back to gardeing matters jo, the Cocoyam I harvested from one sack some days ago was worth over N2,000.

 I have made two meals of pounded Cocoyam from ithe harvest. I have fed the few chickens I rear out of the harvested Cocoyam..

 I am going to make yam pottage or is it porridge from the remaining -  result of using energy for farming.
 So if there is need, why not develop your energy for farming?

#minigarden #urbangarden #urbangardening 
 #minigardening  #integratedgardening 
#gardening #gardeninginsmallspaces #integratedgardeninginsmallspaces  #spaceconstrainedurbangardening

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