Wednesday, 31 July 2024


When it comes to starting an Enterprise, most often we think of something very big with huge funds to start it. But entrepreneurship is not always about big business and big money, it is more often about creativity - using whatever resources available, whether little or much to start something and grow it with the aim of profitability. 

Then at different points, opportunities meet your preparedness, determination  and consistency. The Enterprise grows, achieves it's objectives and lo and behold, you  have the  Successful Entrepreneur! 

Very vital to entrepreneurship is the learning process which many people miss out on by only wanting to start and do it big without corresponding  knowledge, wisdom or experience such that if there is serious shaking, the enterprise crashes.
But when the entrepreneur goes through the learning curve by starting with very little, there is a firm foundation that would ensure there wouldn't be  a crash even when there are serious shaking(s) now or later. 

It is often said that what you have can be taken from you but what you know cannot be taken from you. You can always carry along what is in you anywhere you go.

Learning should be put ahead of anything serious we want to undertake - not just in business but every aspect of life. 

Courses in higher institutions have codes like 101 before 201 and 301 and 401 and perhaps 501 and higher codes depending on the number of annual sessions. 

That is what  any learning curve  in the endeavours you want to undertake should entail - learn the basics by starting small with very little and then expand the Enterprise as you keep expanding your knowledge before you pour in huge funds if and when you get such opportunities.

Attached are pages on farming/entrepreneurship from EnterpriseNow -   a segment in a National Newpaper -Daily Independent to enrich your knowledge

EnterpriseNow is anchored by  Patrick Siaka Momoh, my former immediate boss when we worked at BusinessDay Newspaper some years ago.


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