...body must be nourished through what has had life
A carcinogen is a substance, organism, or exposure that can cause cancer or distort the cells (the unit of life) and cause myriads of health problems such as liver or kidney problems.
Carcinogens can be found in the environment or created by humans.
Examples of carcinogens
1. Synthetic chemicals such as solvents and other chemicals used in industry some of which are used in the manufacture of body care products such as creams, lotions, lipsticks, hair care products like relaxers etc. They are also used in production of some pesticides and herbicides., also in preserving food but can be harmful to consumers.
2. Naturally occurring substances such as ultraviolet rays in sunlight, combustion products, and mycotoxin
3. Ionising and non-ionising radiation
4. Cigarettes and other tobacco products
5.Alcohol – drinks containing alcohol
6. Biological agents such as viruses and bacteria – I have cause to think that no creature of God was originally created to be poisonous. So the viruses and bacteria that are carcinogenic must have imbibed toxins - carcinogens from the environment and subsequently transmitted them to their offspring through their genes from generation to generation such that those specie of viruses and bacteria became toxic to other living things like humans, animals and plants.
The bodies of humans, animals and plants are living things.
The life in the human body is meant to be nourished through something that has had life.
I heard a quote: if nature didn’t make it, dont take it. I responded that the quote is more appropriate this way, ‘if nature didn’t grow it, don’t take it’
According to what God said in the bible in Genesis 9.3 – ‘Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.’
Gen.9.4 – ‘But you (humans) shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.’
This was the commandment or instruction of God to Noah and his family after the flood that wiped out all other humans on earth.
So, that which is to be eaten by humans must be from something that had been grown naturally – that has had life. It can be processed but it shouldn’t be processed or preserved with non-living things.
So substances like nitrites and nitrates, which manufacturers use to preserve processed meats. butylated hydroxyanisole, a preservative that is a possible human carcinogen shouldn’t be used. What can be used? – there are natural preservatives that come from what once had life such as turmeric and ginger if grown without carcinogenic substances like chemical fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides.
Anything taken into the body that never had life would disrupt the functioning of the body. If in excess amount or accumulated, can even kill.
But most times they are slow poisons- just gradually weaken the body physically and/or the body’s immunity – i.e. ability to fight off diseases .
It will weaken the body’s ability to overpower harmful viruses, bacteria or fungi that enter the body such that a whole globe consisting of billions of intelligent human beings can be locked down due to infection by a strain or specie of virus.
So what is the essence of this article? Due to ignorance, hopefully not wickedness, there has been an increase of toxins – carcinogens not only in processed foods but in fresh foodstuffs, even animals reared for human consumption are given growth boosters which often contain carcinogens.
Sooner or later, it will fully dawn on people that most of the pains they and their loved ones suffered from diseases came through food, drinks, some drugs, body care products, supposedly air-freshening sprays etc
There would be need for overhaul of food production systems- let no food producer or manufacturer claim there are no healthier alternatives – the clue to produce what is healthy for human consumption is this: did it once had life? If yes, has that which never had life been mixed with it or incorporated into it – the answer to the second must be no for it to be truly healthy for human consumption.
If all that are used in nourishing the body have always had life, no matter the age, such body will function as optimally as it should, not with diseases or constant pains until the person is satisfied with life, barring some other circumstances which can be avoided
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