Monday, 9 September 2024


.....purple yam was grown in sack, can boost the brain...

No wonder the Chinese have chosen Nigeria to grow yams and some other crops o!

Nigeria soil is so very fertile  even without use of chemical fertilizers. I do organic farming, using wastes like soya bean chaff, coconut chaff, remnants of fruits like bananas,  orange and leaves of some plants. I hardly use poultry poop because I personally prefer green manuring. 

This morning I harvested a purple yam I planted in January this year  - ending of January to be precise. This yam was even planted in a worn -out sack - see pictures. 

I started this morning by trying to harvest another purple yam growing in a drum along with the almond tree. I had thought that the yam would mature before the almond tree but surprisingly the almond tree grew so very fast and started fruiting. The tree roots thereby have spread all over the drum in the soil. 

So I had to make the tough decision to prioritise the already fruiting almond tree over that purple yam and stopped that harvest process. The almond tree is not just producing fruits to eat but every part of it has very important health benefits - for example anytime I have bodily discomfort from hormonal issues, I use what I get from the almond tree to counteract the body discomforts. 

Other crops in this my little mini-garden also have powerful health benefits which I have promised to share so that as you develop a garden or farm, you will be more intentional in what you plant and how you plant.

Purple yams derive their colour  from an antioxidant called  anthocyanins.

According to moneycontrol online, purple yam boosts brain health- wow! That means as I eat purple yams,  I'm going to become even more intelligent! 😰

I will grow more purple yams next year o ! If you can, let us grow as many purple yams  as possible within the space we have available   so that around this time next year  we can have purple yam harvest celebrations. 

I will discuss with farming, gardening or plant enthusiasts on modalities for that celebration - like I always advocate- celebrate your  wins, even if little because it's the efforts that count whether in a small space or big space. 

Purple yam has also been found to be good source of vitamins and minerals, it can manage blood sugar and blood pressure and improve gut health. 

Purple yam also called Kand  can be baked,  roasted, mashed, or boiled. They can also be used in dishes  such as pies, cakes, breads, curries, and stews. 

I think I should sun-dry this first purple yam and mill into powder to be adding  in bits l to meals to boost my brain so I can become more and more intelligent😘

But today I will cut a little, cook and chew  so that my brain boosting can start. Maybe I should change my name to IntelligentYinkus 😃

Though not everyone can engage in farming or gardening, if you have the opportunity, please do. You may not become rich from it but if you do it right,  it will improve your health, your well-being  - the quality of your life and can make you more contented with life

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