Monday, 23 September 2024


Do you know that chronic stress can disrupt hormonal balance in our human body? It's still a wonder to me how I can work so very hard and  when I get tired and rest very well, I  feel better and ready again for work.

But if I get so very stressed by people and keep trying to cope over a prolong period, I would become so very tired or wearied that it takes considerable time and efforts to recover. 
One of the problems that can result from constantly enduring stress is hormonal imbalance. 

Hormonal imbalance caused by certain stresses can be even worse than the one caused by unhealthy food, drinks, atmosphere and drugs.

I have been making efforts to recover from certain stresses I endured and coped with as best as I could for months. I didn't even realise how seriously adverse the effect was on me until recently. 

Since I believe in natural therapy for achieving or maintaining good health, I keep exploring natural solutions.
Egg especially that from local chicken reared naturally  contains a good balance of fats and proteins necessary for hormone production. 

It is good for brain health and indirectly help in hormone regulation. It also contains healthy fat i.e. omega-3 fatty acids, essential vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.

Various researches have shown that antioxidants combat free-radicals in the human body  linked to serious health problems like heart attacks.
If a chicken is raised in healthy ways; the eggs will have less saturated fats and bad cholesterol that can cause or worsen health problems. 

Local chicken egg of course tastes better. It is also good for eye-health as it is a good source of protein,  vitamin A, multiple B vitamins, selenium, folate, phosphorus, calcium and zinc. 

The calories is low compared to the amount of essential nutrients in one egg. As an adult; you can eat this sort of healthy egg everyday if available and not have adverse health effects but rather good health benefits.

My urban garden is relatively small due to space constraint so I cannot rear even the few chickens on free-range, else they will destroy my precious plants. I only allow them roam once a while for few hours.

But I ensure their diet is healthy - I feed them lots of leafy greens some of which are considered weeds from the garden - so I have not had to give them drugs or vaccination.

 I don't buy already compounded feeds; I just ensure that what I feed them contain carbohydrates; proteins; vitamins and minerals and of course water. 

Most of the vitamins and minerals come from the plants in the garden. Feeding them other nutrients come at a cost but it is well worth it because it is not just about getting food to eat but maintaining good health. You do know medical care and treatments cost so very much more. 

So eggs from chickens raised so intentionally tend to provide superior nutrition than commercial eggs.

At least two people have said the odour from my chicken pen is not foul and asked how I achieve that. Apart from regular cleaning, what they are fed is the main reason for normal or foul odour. That foul odour is indicative of potential health danger to the human consumers.

Also commercial chicken rearers insist that chicken poop need weeks or months to cure before being used to manure plants or they would have burning effects on the plant. 

I suspect that it is due to the inorganic or chemical elements in the feed or drugs the chickens are given causing the poop to have adverse effects when used immediately in manuring. 

So recently I started using some  poop from the few chickens I rear to manure some plants (not all).

I am still observing but noticed that the tumeric plants  and a growing pawpaw tree in one of the drums are faring better. In fact the small pawpaw tree is flowering and I wonder why because it is just about two years old. Anyway observation is ongoing because this mini-gardener is also a keen researcher.

#minigarden #urbangarden #urbangardening 
 #minigardening  #integratedgardening #gardening #gardeninginsmallspaces #integratedgardeninginsmallspaces  #spaceconstrainedurbangardening

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