Monday, 3 June 2024


Just few decades ago  you hardly hear of Nigerians and I think Africans generally committing suicides.
Serious Depression leading to  actually killing oneself was very uncommon. 

Now there is so much talks about mental health issues and acute depression which have led some to very obvious suicides. 

People usually link these problems to so many things  such as loneliness due to being alone; not being in a love relationship or being in toxic relationship(s). It is also commonly linked to economic hardships; bereavement; natural disasters or some other  life difficulties or physical sicknesses. While the aforementioned are possibilities, people's mental destabilization is hardly linked to the food and drinks they take. 

Since eating and drinking happen much more often than any of those other possible causes of depression or mental ill-health, this can have more impact on a person's mental state.
With all the previous causes  mentioned; we should know there are people that rather than fall into depression when experiencing one or more of such; they become stronger and better as a result.

But when mood swings or poor mental state is due to nutrition and they are not aware; they may not be able to control  themselves and sink into depression.

According to Better Health Channel your diet has a big impact on your mood, your concentration and even your level of happiness? What you eat not only affects your physical health, but studies now show just how much diet impacts your mood and mental wellbeing.'

Nutrition experts generally attests to the fact that eating lots of highly -processed foods such as pastries; meat, fried food, refined cereals, sugared foods and high-fat dairy products increases the consumer's tendency to be anxious and depressed. 

But eating healthy foods with lots of fruits, vegetables, whole fiber-rich grains, organic-reared freshly cooked white meat will help not only with keeping the body healthy but maintaining a balanced mental health.

It becomes even more worrisome when food you expect should be healthy like beans; rice; yam; fish; chickens; milk; eggs; onions; pepper have been produced; processed or preserved in such ways that  harmful substances are used.

The harmful inorganic substances in our blood-streams are not just harmful to physical health but mental health as well. They'll just make you feel uncomfortable physically and/or mentally and you won't know why you feel so terrible. 

Let me give a very common example. The fact that I am using female doesn't mean men are exempted from these issues. Theirs are stories yet to be told very clearly. 

For example; when females  experience pains or discomforts before and during menstrual flow; it is usually assumed as normal. But it shouldn't be - apart from possibilities it may be due to side effects such as use of contraceptive pills or some other medicinal drugs; alcohol; substance abuse; the most likely possibility is from nutrition -food and drink. Not all females take or use those things previously listed but all take food and drink.

Many don't know what they eat and drink affect their mental state. The periodical circles only trigger the negative emotions already caused by nutrition. It is actually bad nutrition that causes most hormonal imbalances that result in crankiness and may result in some mentally-unstable actions. 

So rather than taking drugs to curb menstrual pains or hormonal imbalances or depression in both males and females; you should be taking certain healthy plants or plant-based products.  When taking animal-based foods; they should be reared through organic means without antibiotics or steroids - but we can't always ensure that. But these substances will not only affect the physical bodies of consumers but their mental health as well.

When certain other life  issues that can cause depression or distort mental-well being happen, if the issue(s) meet you in good physical and mental health, you can still have the stamina to stay strong. This is more so; if you are also spiritually in tune with your Creator.

We know that food is no doubt very expensive these days, not just in our country but generally world-wide. Hence; we keep encouraging people who can to grow some plants and livestock  - if you can't grow the food you need due to space and/or time constraints; can you at least grow few plants you can use for body-cleansing? 

Taking some healthy plants  regularly help wipe out toxic elements deposited in your body by food; drink; environmental pollution etc.
Some of these plants include bitter leaf; water leaf; blood leaves; stone breaker leaves; day flower;  leaves of almond tree seedling; pawpaw seedlings and some other tree seedlings (if you can't grow to tree-size you can just be plucking the leaves to boil or juice and take).

By the way, being close to nature - having well-tended vegetation around you also has relaxing effect on mental-health. 

My three-year old almond tree growing in a drum has few fruits. I am longing  to taste - saw one that looks ripe today but on closer look when I climbed up; it's still green  

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