Monday, 6 May 2024


Do you know our indigenous - local chickens can grow very big, fleshy and luscious? 

I have seen this quite a number of times - these chickens either scavenge for food or get fed with leftovers from the keeper's household  or both.

When they scavenge for food, among other things they eat worms, insects, vegetation and whatever they can pick up.

If kept, they can be fed with many plant-based foods you have to spare such as rice, maize, yam, sweet potato, Cocoyam etc.

For animal-based foods - give them cooked such as boiling the intestines of  fish and other animal products even chicken intesrines and add  organic grown turmeric  or ginger to aid digestion

Also give them out of the organic-grown vegetables you buy or grow especially greens.

I will be adopting the second option- feeding them and sharing my findings, If the chickens are kept in a cage which is more likely option  for urban dwellers with limited space,, ensure there's   space  in the cage for them to take some steps.

There's still a whole lot of discovery  to be made - no matter how much you have read or heard about any endeavour especially different aspects of farming, until you have actually practised  it, you cannot get the experience needed to go into very large scale production.

I have chosen local chickens because I want to avoid the use of antibiotics and other drugs for survival and growth boosting
usually given to the breeds reared by modern commercial poultry farmers .

I hope to prove what I said at the beginning that local chickens can also grow big, fleshy and luscious enough to grace the plates of food at home or at social functions.

Such chickens would of course be much more  healthier. Their eggs also would be free of toxic elements that may be introduced through drugs which can affect the health of human consumers.

One of the goals of Farm Cafe Information Service is to ensure people eat what will nourish their bodies not damage it.

Farm Cafe's mandate is to prosper Agribusiness through ICT- soon producing healthy food  would be the only way to prosper if you are doing food production, processing or preservation aspects of agribusiness.

Producing truly healthy food will become good business

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