Monday, 26 February 2024


Do you know that you can get additional beneficial uses from many foodstuffs, even from parts that are usually discarded?

Yes, let me mention  few - you can explore and read about others.

 For instance, from eggs, rather than throw the shells away - you can rinse them, and preferably sun-dry the shells or use dehydrator at low heat so as not to feature them.
You can them blend the shells into powder and use from time to time to brush your teeth - it  whitens the teeth. It  also has healing effects on sore gums. 

You should still brush with regular toothpaste afterwards or rinse mouth with mint water. That is just one of the values.  

The powder can also be used in snail production as organic calcium source. Powder can as well be used as as scouring powder to clean off stubborn stains in pots. 

It may also be used in cosmetics production- though this is highly specialised so don't dabble into it unless you have researched it well - I use as one of the ingredients in the organic body lotion I make  and use.

You can burn coconut shells to make activated charcoal - this can be used to counteract food poisoning and for purification of water among other things. 

Recently I watched the video where coconut shells were boiled and salt added - if having toothache, you can then sip the warm water mix and leave in your mouth for  minutes to relieve the toothache - I have tried it- it worked to some extent. 

The seeds of dates usually discarded can be dried and blended into powder and brewed like coffee. It's aroma is similar to coffee drink.. Add your preferred sweetener.

I have written severely about leaves  and their usefulness in counteracting food poisoning- when we talk about food poisoning, hopefully, it's not about someone deliberately putting poison in another's food or drink.

 It may  be due to the use of dangerous elements  like chemical fertilizers,  herbicides, pesticides,over-treated water, reagents, preservatives, carbide, antibiotics, steroids in the production, processing and preservation of food and drinks which may then make the consumers sickly. 

Unfortunately, there are possibilities that some sudden deaths may be due to this.

If you happen to eat or drink anything that make you feel uncomfortable later, getting to the hospital or clinic immediately may not be possible. Avoid just going to  bed to sleep off the discomfort when you suspect or perceive toxins are in your body system.

 Eat one or few edible leaves organic grown - they soak up dangerous compounds that may otherwise attack your body cells and attempt to stamp out the life from the cells.

A few days ago while going to different places to sort out some things, I bought  freshly-baked snacks  from a nice eatery and ate - I hardly eat out because I am very particular about the source of the foodstuffs and Ingredients used in cooking. But from time to time, there may be need to.

Over the weekend, one late night I had to go pluck some waterleaf from my mini-garden- water leaf is  not easy to chew but it can be blended to extract the juice.

 Alternately, you can cut into small bits, swallow as though taking medicine and drink water. Apart from being a laxative that will help soak  and expunge toxins from the body, water leaf also has analgesic properties - it will help one sleep deeply inspite of any body pains or aches. 

You need just few of the leaves for this- so if what you can grow is not enough to cook, just grow some for such remedies or buy from guaranteed organic producers. 

Over and over again, those who understand the dangers  have been advocating that people who can should grow at least some of their own foods. But if not, start shunning foodstuffs produced with chemicals - buy organic grownfoods.. 

As concerned persons, we are  urging no use of chemicals in food production, processing and preservation. Human life  matters and even the health-safety in production of animals - livestock to be consumed by humans matters. 

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