One of the best decisions you can make is to grow herbs. If you don't have much space, and have to decide which crops to grow, herbal plants should be among your first three options, if not the first.
Some herbs are food and some are.medicinal (have healing properties). Even herbs that are mainly food are medicinal but not all medicinal herbs can be taken as food e.g. Neem (Dongoyaro).
You.may think all very bitter herbs can't be food but we all know bitter leaves for instance is very well-used herb for cooking soups in most parts of Nigeria.
Herbs can be purchased in the market but if you can, grow some. If you are able to grow much, you can sell fresh or process them by drying and perhaps blending into powder and then package - this can then be the beginning of a small home business which can further expand and launch out. In that case you will need to buy herbs in bulk from other growers.
You may of course buy packaged herbs to use from those who already process and sell or buy fresh from growers while you focus on growing other crops. The main point is that ensure you take herbs regularly in fresh form or as ingredient in cooked food, if not as medicine.
Some herbs grow on small plants, some on shrubs (small trees) and some on big trees. For many plants, it is the leaves that are most useful. For some it is the fruits and some the seeds and there are those that it is the bark, stem or root.
It takes a whole lot of learning identifying all these and recognising their usefulness - for me studying intensely on these, it seems the more I learn, the more I realise there is still a whole lot yet to be learnt - it's almost unending.
Some herbs in our clime are already well known. Apart from bitter leaves and Neem mentioned above, there is basil- scent leaves, rosemary, oregano, lemon grass, Moringa, bitter kola, parsley, mint, blood leaves, rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, chives, fennel, lavender, lemon balm, zobo, savory, bay leaf etc.
These herbs can be used in a variety of dishes and in making healthy drinks.
Even if you buy, try to grow at least one or two herbal plants. I have discovered that a whole lot of sicknesses including terminal diseases are preventable. Even in latter years or old age, the human body shouldn't become sickly.
Perhaps it may not be as strong or agile as in youthful days. But get rid of the mindset that old age is synonymous with sickness or even weakness. I feel more agile now after clocking 50 - I choose to do some farming activities now which I cringed at doing but had to do while I was studying agriculture in the university in my 20s.
The human body is a Masterpece that only a very highly intelligent Creator could have designed and formed it and knows what's good for the body.
I read and believe in the bible so I believe the bible passage below cinfirms this:
Genesis 1:29
[29]And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
So herbs should be taken to protect and regenerate the cells in our bodies, prevent damage to organs like the kidney and liver, help remove toxins in the body due to the unhealthy foods we are often or sometimes compelled to eat such as over-processed foods and even fresh foods grown with chemicals.
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