Monday, 15 May 2023


My first planted Aloe Vera is ready for use!

I use Aloe Vera as one of the ingredients in my bathing soap, also in my hair wash. 

Why So important?
I discovered that commercially grown Aloe Vera sold in the market may have been planted with fertilizer or some other chemicals - well such Aloe Vera causes very serious itching in my skin when I use it. 

I have already written many times how I developed skin lotion with edible agricultural raw materials to prevent skin problems.

Very few days before the 1st Covid19 Lockdown, I went in search of a packaged lotion I had been using for many years. 

The Lotion had the plain white variant and later the producers started other variants including some agricultural ingredients.

 Some months before then I had bought and used the variant with Aloe Vera. I used to have skin itching at that period due to Eczema which I had suffered from for many years. 

So as a result I started researching on what to do to permanently solve the skin problem. I noticed that some lotions, creams and soaps as well as some foods and drinks aggravated the itching problem I was having. So my observation was very keen. 

I didn't  have too much itching from using other variants of the lotion- just some rashes with mild itching. But whenever I used the variant with Aloe Vera, the itching would become so very intense. So I avoided using the variant. 

But when I needed to urgently shop for necessities few days before Covid Lockdown, I discovered that the shelves of most supermarkets and provisions stores were almost empty - people had shopped ahead. 

So I couldn't get  any of other variants of the lotion I wanted. I had to buy again this variant with Aloe Vera. It had the same serious itching effect. So it was around that Covid Lockdown petiod  I seriously  started compounding and using my own skin lotion with edible agricultural raw materials. I had of course been doing some research several months before then. 

I decided not to use Aloe Vera in compounding the skin lotion. But when researching on agro ingredients for my bathing soap and hair wash, I realised Aloe Vera would be essential since I didnt want to use Palm oil. 
But I was worried about buying Aloe Vera in the open market because I wouldn't know how it was grown - compounding these cosmetics have helped to tackle the skin issues I was having.  So I couldn't take chances with using the wrong quality of that ingredient. 

Making my bathing soap
Later I discovered a very Dear Lady also into gardening has a lot of Aloe Vera plants grown through organic means. She always gave me the Aloe Vera I needed for the soap-making. 

Some months ago - I think it was towards 4th quarter of last year, I asked myself - why not start growing mine? - It was so much easier to collect the freebies but even though my garden is so very small I could still grow few Aloe Vera plants. 

So I  started - incidentally - this very Sweet Mummy that was giving me Aloe Vera freely has just travelled to USA and would be staying for awhile. 

So if I had  been  enjoying  the freebies so much that I didnt  make plans to grow or get by myself, wetin I for do now o?

 Would I have started going to open market to buy what I am unsure of? So if you can, always make plans to do by yourself, what others do for you.

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 #minigardening  #integratedgardening #gardening #gardeninginsmallspaces #integratedgardeninginsmallspaces  #spaceconstrainedurbangardening

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