Friday, 14 January 2022


Do you know it's actually possible to plant a tree in a small flower bed even with the base cemented? Watch the video:
The root of a tree will grow in the direction it finds least resistance - the soil of course provides least resistance. If it grows downwards into the soil in an open field, and there is a fence or building over the part of the ground the tree is growing it may affect the fence. But if the base of the soil is cemented, rather than grow down the root will look for the place of least resistance.

So what you can do is to control the growth of the root by removing the resistance in the direction you want the root  to grow. This will provide more opportunities for people living in towns and cities to grow trees if they want to. Already people are growing trees in containers.

But if you already have tree(s) in your compound, try to channel the movement of the roots in the direction(s) you consider appropriate to prevent damages to structures  you need to preserve.
I am going to remove the slab which I call pillar in the video and put soil - sand so the root of the NEEM  tree- Dongoyaro tree can grow in that direction.

See more details on video here:

#trees #urbantreeplanting  #preservingtrees #GLF
#staygreen #liveingreenery

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