Monday, 27 January 2025

MUST SUGAR BE WHITENED?..that's main cause of health dangers posed by refined sugar

Do you know that refined white sugar sold for human consumption and also added to many processed/packaged foods and drinks by manufacturers  contains traces of chemicals used in its production?

These chemicals include  phosphoric acid, sodium hypochlorite,  sulphur dioxide, lime.

While sulphur dioxide and lime are safe for human consumption, traces of phosphoric acid and sodium hypochlorite in refined white sugar pose severe health dangers. 

Before the highlights below on what researches publish about these substances, we already know that consumption of  refined white sugar usually cause us some body discomforts which sometimes   degenerate into one sort of sickness or another.

You may say don’t buy and consume white sugar then. 

But are brown sugars produced directly from cane juice readily available in the market? 

Secondly, are the  manufacturers  of most of our regularly consumed processed foods and drinks not adding white sugar? Why can’t they buy and use  brown sugar produced directly from cane juice – must they use white sugar in malt  drinks, cocoa beverages. minerals or soda drinks, bread, biscuits, cereals, cornflakes chocolates, cakes, candies, ice creams etc? 

Even if you don’t take refined white sugar directly,  do you know how much of it is added to the foods and drinks adults and children take regularly? 

Have you not heard of children, even those under the age of 10 years having cancers,  tumours, childhood HBP, Diabetes, Kidney problems? Are these diseases introduced from the sky into human bodies?  Even if inherited, the conditions are worsened primarily by what people eat and drink. 

Is it okay for the immunity of the human population to be so  compromised such that one virus can threaten human health and lock down the globe for weeks? 

This is not saying refined sugar  is the only cause of chronic diseases in the human population but it is major.

From time to time, other causal factors through food and drinks and other things ingested, inhaled or used on the body will be examined. 


As said earlier, these substances are in  trace or very small amounts in the refined white sugar  but consumed over time, they have similar effects to those highlighted

Phosphoric acid  can cause  pain in the body, cause bronchial discomfort, metabolism problems, it can eventually lead to decreased bone density, kidney problems etc

Phosphoric acid  is usually added in processed foods and soft drinks as it gives flavour and  freshness while gradually killing, I mean weakening the body. 


It can cause gastrointestinal irritation or even internal wound,  abdominal pain, diarrhoea, chest tightening, inflammation etc   

Sodium hypochlorite which is used in bleach is being consumed by humans through refined sugar. 


SULPHUR DIOXIDE is said to be safe for human consumption except for those who are allergic to it like people with asthma. It may also cause breathing difficulties, headaches or nausea in some people. 

Countries direly need to enact  more protective laws on food production to safeguard the health of their population.

Substances in food that have adverse effects on consumers don’t usually kill immediately, may not even actually kill but gradually weaken the health of the population, overwhelm the health system, making people suffer unnecessarily.


Monday, 6 January 2025


GINGER is on the left in black nylon, WHITE TURMERIC on the right 

...their nutritional and health benefits 

This morning I harvested a plant in my mini-garden and initially thought it was ginger. Apart from being very expensive,  organically-grown ginger is very scarce - you hardly get such in the market.. 

Since I dont apply chemicals in growing my garden crops, I was excited. But my initial excitement about that was short-lived  - lo and behold the crop I have harvested looking exactly like ginger is not ginger - it is white turmeric.  . 
I use ginger not just to spice food and drinks  but mostly as one of the ingredients   in making my body lotion, bathing soap and other skin care products.  So the white colour of a spice is particularly preferred.

I try to buy organic grown ginger but I hardly get in the narket. But the commonly  known turmeric which is orange coloured is more readily available and sold by organic growers.

When I plant ginger and turmeric in my mini-garden , the turmeric  easily sprout and grow to maturity but the ginger plant would either not sprout or if it does would die at seedling stage. 

I suspect that while sourcing for organic ginger, a seller must have sold white turmeric to me and I just  planted in my garden without checking to confirm it was actually   ginger.

To differentiate ginger from turmeric- note that the plants are similar but the ginger leaves are not as wide as the turmeric leaves. The ginger leaves also tend to grow more vertically than turmeric leaves. 

But the.most sure- proof is the harvested crops  -no matter how much the harvested white turmeric looks like ginger,  just sniff  - ginger scent is more spicy-  a pungent or sharp scent - while the white turmeric scent is same as the orange-coloured turmeric.

White turmeric can be used in substituting ginger in cooking or spicing food and in making cosmetics. But if it's not ginger, it's not same as ginger. Use about half the quantity of turmeric you would have used if it's ginger 

According to Health line, ginger and turmeric can have powerful effects on nausea, pain, inflammation, and immune function in the body.

They are both Antioxidant-Rich,  excellent sources of protective compounds, according to Eating Well online. The antioxidants found in ginger may help prevent heart disease and cancer, especially when paired with garlic. 

Turmeric is  said to be even more anti-oxidant rich. If we include these spices regularly in food, they would help prevent terminal diseases like cancer,  heart diseases etc.

But know what? When they are grown or preserved with chemicals, these reduce the potency of the spices and can even introduce carcinogenic  i.e. cancer -causing substances into the body weakening human  and animal health. So, do try to grow  these crops organically. 
