Why do so many people translate indigenous words such as ‘Babalawo' as Herbalist or Native Doctor? This is erroneous.
The Yoruba word - Babalawo or Iyalawo actually means a man or a woman into some sort of spiritual worship. The word ‘awo' itself simply means spiritual worship which can be the worship of the Almighty God or any deity.
Before the advent of Christianity in Yorubaland, most people worship deities such as Ogun, Obatala, Orunmila etc. As a result of which in modern times, people just àssume that 'awo' means worship of a deity or a god or idol. But the literal meaning of the Yoruba word 'awo' i.e. spiritual worship can also be the worship of the Almighty God.
Hence you might have heard some persons say they do 'awo Jesu' - the worship of Jesus. Some people would sniff at that but if you understand Yoruba language very well, you will know they are right - 'Awo' simply means spiritual worship and you can then choose what or who you worship.
Having said all that, back to the main issue - HERBALISM which is not the same as spiritual worship of any deity, god, idol or the Almighty God.
HERBALISM is not SPIRITUALISM. Herbalism is simply the use of plant-based materials for curative or healing purposes- to prevent or treat sickness or to maintain good health.
So a herbalist is someone who uses plant-based materials for curative or healing purposes.
As there are poisonous herbs, these can also be used to weaken or destroy or kill. Even in conventional medicine, there are certain substances that can be dangerous to health and can result in death.
Hence people are advised not to self-medicate but to consult with professionals before ingesting what they believe is medicine.
Also for herbalism - the use of plant-based materials for curative or healing purpose, it is advisable to consult with people who are truly knowledgeable about their uses.
You may then ask why is HERBALISM strongly associated with fetishment especially in African clime?
What I found out is this - in ancient times and even till date - to some extent, lots of people still believe sicknesses or health problems are spiritual - that they are as a result of some spiritual and not physical problems.
So those who believe in the spiritual worship of a deity or god would go to a fetish priest for solution.
I don't know if the fetish priests actually used any spiritual power of their deity but what I do know is that they use herbs - many of them are knowledgeable in the use of plant-based materials for curative or healing purposes.
So, perhaps to shroud their herbal medicine practice in mystery so they can continue to be relevant, they attributed the healing to the spiritual powers of the deity they worship.
If not, if the people knew that herbs got mostly from plants were used to effect the cure or healing, they could simply search out these for themselves and use to solve their health issues- so a man and woman for instance who have been trying unsuccessfully to give birth would not have to start getting goat, white cloth, kolanuts, palm wine or other items usually required by the fetish priests to perform the so-called miracle.
When the needy people bring or promise to bring the items, the fetish priests would give them herbs to take or use but would make it seem the efficacy-ability of the herb(s) to work lies in the power of his/her deity or god.
Can you blame him or her?That was to safeguard the modus operandi of their work. 'Man (or woman) must chop' as the saying goes.
If a fetish priest tended towards wickedness, they can also use poisonous herbs to destroy or kill and do this so tactically that the people aware would think it was the power of a deity or god that brought the destruction or death or kept a woman barren.
So in current modern times even as people are more enlightened, there are those still suspicious of herbal medical practice because of such mysteries.
Just pray never to fall prey to any wickedness and undetected manipulation of some people in herbal or even conventional medical practice.
But understand that being a herbalist does not automatically mean the person is actually Babalawo, Iyalawo, Dibia,Akwasi- Akwasi, Lọlọ, Eze-nwaanyị, Ọyịma, whatever native name they are called or fetish in any way.
There are herbalists who operate with scientific knowledge and factual experience and do not use any spiritual manipulation - they don't have to - the Almighty God - the Creator of the heavens and earth has already given everything we need for life....'
So the solution to that health problem-whatever it is- is already available on earth- it just may yet to be discovered but IT IS AVAILABLE.